Bradley L. Davis


Miners extract mini chocolate chips from a scone
Pullman, WA
Flower with many long pink petals
Pullman, WA
A daisy rests on the edge of a Washington State themed mug
Pullman, WA
An astronaut explores a patch of black spiky vegetation
Pullman, WA
Black and white close up of a strawberry
Pullman, WA
Skeleton mechanical wrist watch with a teal and orange filter
Pullman, WA
Black and white close up of a skelton mechanical wrist watch
Pullman, WA
A ladybug climbs on the side of a bark fragment
Pullman, WA
Many ladybugs sit on a fallen leaf
Pullman, WA
Assembly workers slice pretzels and top with large salt
Pullman, WA
Brown mushrooms reach upwards on the side of a tree
Pullman, WA
A small slug climbs down a snow hill
Pullman, WA
Orange moss grows on grey tree with green leaves
Pullman, WA
An astronaut lands near a mysterious black monolith for inspection
Pullman, WA
A tree's seed pods hang besides one of its leaves
Pullman, WA
A construction worker jack hammers a railroad nail
Pullman, WA
A gecko sitting atop a leaf
Waipāhoehoe, HI
A yellow orange dandelion grows in a patch of green grass
Pullman, WA
A mature dandelion is fluffy and ready to release its seeds into the wind
Pullman, WA
A small two leave plant sprout
Pullman, WA
A spiky seed pad adheres to animals for transportation
Pullman, WA
Looking inside a red and purple tulip
Pullman, WA
A red flower with red and green stamen and pistil
Waipāhoehoe, HI
Two workers digging a hole in a log
Pullman, WA
An astronaut repairing their crashed spaceship
Pullman, WA
A front loader clearing a concrete pad
Pullman, WA
A street sweeper cleaning the edge of the street
Pullman, WA
A fox cosplayer with a banana in a standoff with an assassin
Pullman, WA
A green leaf sitting atop course dirt
Pullman, WA
Yellow leaves with red flowers hanging below
Pullman, WA
A white flower in front of pink buds with wrinkly green leaves
Pullman, WA
A dusty pressure gauge
Seattle, WA
Scale model of Saturn V launch pad with two workers
Smithsonian, Washington DC