Bradley L. Davis

Interactive Resume

This website tells of my resume through story and cute pixel art.



My name is Bradley, I am the dude in the red. I'm an electrical engineering student most of the time but have many activities that occupy the rest of my time. If you want to learn more, check out my about me page or just peruse using the links in the top right.

Have fun, stay a while. There are some chips in the pantry. Today is Meatloaf Monday, there might be some in the fridge. Enjoy!

Oh yeah, one more thing: you know what is really awkward? This empty space. I mean... I could remove it since it doesn't do anything productive. But it was here before I had all of this other text, and its presence really made me whole. I enjoyed having the extra bit of space after the main content. I'm sure I could figure out how to add an empty space after the stuff above instead of typing this paragraph then hiding it. To Stack Overflow, up top... anyone?... Okay, just let me know when you want to fist bump me, then I can put my hand down. This is going to be so funny, those on mobile probably can't see this message unless they randomly tap the screen. I think this is enough space. Also, please fist bump me, I'm losing feeling.